Psychotherapie, psychologische, psychiatrische und psychosoziale Beratung
Einrichtungen und Organsiationen
Psychische Störungen sind oft beeinflusst durch schwierige Lebenssituationen und Belastungen. FINK Frühintervention Vivantes Neukölln bietet für junge Erwachsene von 18 bis 30 Jahren die Beratung und Behandlung in Krisensituationen und bei psychischen Erkrankungen. Das FINK-Angebot setzt keine psychiatrische Diagnose voraus, sondern dient der Behandlung und Unterstützung bei jeder Form von seelischen Krisen. Ziel ist es, seelische Krisen möglichst frühzeitig zu erkennen, zu begleiten und geeignete Hilfsangebote zu vermitteln.
Mental Health: Initiativen und Vereine
Die Deutsche DepressionsLiga e.V. ist eine bundesweit aktive Patientenvertretung für an Depressionen erkrankte Menschen. Sie ist eine reine Betroffenenorganisation, deren Mitglieder entweder selbst von der Krankheit Depression betroffen oder deren Angehörige sind. Wer nicht zu diesem Personenkreis gehört, hat die Möglichkeit einer Fördermitgliedschaft.
The MITC is a collective of specialist music industry therapists with an abundance of experience of working within the music business in various roles across all sectors.
Founded by former venue and festival programmer Tamsin Embleton, MITC has members across the globe and offer councelling and therapy.
Help Musicians U.K. is a United Kingdom charity offering help for musicians throughout their careers. It plays a vital role supporting working musicians who are dealing with an illness, injury or accident. It gives financial grants to pay for medical treatment, specialist therapies and living costs and provides one-on-one help to those with life-changing situations. It improves the quality of life for retired musicians by providing regular payments and social visits.
Key Changes provide music engagement and recovery services in hospitals and the community for young people and adults affected by mental health conditions including depression, anxiety, PTSD, bi polar disorder and schizophrenia.
Their innovative approach draws on clinical therapeutic techniques and professional music industry practice.
An epic pop-up arts & wellness initiative bringing together movers & shakers to spark a national discourse on mental healthcare as a civil right. Free for all ages and to the public with over 80 hours of programming with panels and workshops, a full-fledged We Rise Art Gallery, Community Stage welcoming artists like Common and Kehlani, and an Art Lab to commune and turn ideas into action. The festival and gallery is open until June 10 – so make sure to show your support and cruise over before it’s wrapped.
MusiCares is a charity that has provided more than $60 million in health, financial, and rehabilitation resources to music people in times of need. The Recording Academy’s charity MusiCares provides a safety net of critical assistance for music people in times of need. MusiCares’ services and resources cover a wide range of financial, medical, and personal emergencies, and each case is treated with integrity and confidentiality. MusiCares also focuses the resources and attention of the music industry on human service issues that directly impact the health and welfare of the music community.
Whatever you’re going through right now, you can contact Music Minds Matter on 0808 802 8008.
If you work in music and are struggling to cope, or know someone who is, talk to us. It doesn’t have to be a crisis, or about music. Our Music Minds Matter Counsellors are here to listen, support and help at any time.
With 99 years supporting musicians, Help Musicians understands the complexity of working in music and created Music Minds Matter as a dedicated service for anyone working in the industry.
The Cowshed is a shared safe space (Facebook) - we are all here to ask for help, offer help or to simply listen. Through our experience we've found that one person alone can do it - yet we can never do it alone. You are never alone.
The Swedish-based digital distribution company Record Union conducted an online survey of almost 1,500 independent artists.
73% of independent artists report symptoms of mental illness such as depression and a third of independent artists have suffered panic attacks, says the Swedish-based digital distribution company Record Union.
#depression #anxiety
The study, conducted by Help Musicians UK, the University of Westminster and MusicTank investigated 2,211 musicians, 71.1% of whom said they had suffered from panic attacks or anxiety, with 68.5% saying they had struggled with depression. Plus, musicians often lack the financial means to seek professional support.
Help Musicians UK is the leading UK charity for musicians of all genres, from starting out through to retirement.
Music industry touring professionals are generally assumed to be at elevated risk for mental health issues, highlighted by numerous high-profile suicides in recent years. This study aims to gain an empirical understanding of the mental health issues among international touring professionals, with a particular focus on risk for depression and suicidality, and to identify potential protective factors. Data were collected between February–March 2020 as part of the Tour Health Research Initiative's Touring Health and Wellness Survey 2020.
‘Can Music Make You Sick’, is the largest survey of its kind in the UK, to date with 2,211 musicians taking part. The majority of respondents (66.2%) were between the ages of 18-35, with a relatively even gender split (55.2% male, 43.9% female). The largest group of respondents described themselves as musicians (39%) and worked across a wide variety of genres. Other professions represented included DJs, live crew and music management.
#reality check #moneyproblems #free work #rentenvorsorge
The Working Musician is a major research project by DHA Communications, commissioned by the Musicians’ Union. 2012.
1,966 musicians responded to their online survey.
Over half (56%) of the musicians surveyed earn less than £20k and 60% of musicians report working for free in the past 12 months.
Victoria University have uncovered new research which reveals that Australian music industry employees are more likely to suffer from mental health issues.
"Ich bin psychisch krank und kämpfe jeden Tag." - Lady Gaga ist depressiv und leidet an einer posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung. Wie ihr geht es vielen Künstlern. Während normalerweise einer von fünf Menschen an Angstörungen und Depressionen erkrankt, ist es bei Musikern jeder dritte.
Internationale Künstler und Künstlerinnen kommen in dieserInterviewreihe zu Wort.
Die 1LIVE Themenwoche "Die dunkle Seite – Depressionen" vom 12. bis zum 18. März 2018 will mit Klischees aufräumen. Prominente wie Lorde, Judith Holofernes, Campino, Farin Urlaub, Beth Ditto, Chilly Gonzales, Wolfgang Niedecken und vielen andere kommen genauso zu Wort wie Menschen, die nicht in der Öffentlichkeit stehen.
An interesting article about Jodi Milstein, a therapist—more specifically, a therapist for bands. Jodi is part of a movement that provides quality mental health assistance to musicians who'd prefer a specialist that knows their world. In 2008, she broke ground on her own Los Angeles therapy practice that focused on the type of musicians she used to manage. It's called RockStar Therapy; built by, and for, those who feel burnt out by the music business.
#work life balance #grenzen setzen #alkohol #unhealthy lifestyle
A free guide from the Music Managers Forum and Music Support including chapters on anxiety, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, work balance and boundaries, a note from Mind on healthy workplaces and a directory of useful helplines and websites. IT´S FREE !!!
Advice for Writers, Actors, Visual Artists and Musicians from America's Foremost Creativity Coach. To spice up the lessons, Eric Maisel shares anecdotes about his clients, including painters, actors, screenwriters, novelists, dancers, and poets.
Eric Maisel, Ph.D., is the author of more than 40 books and is widely regarded as Americas foremost creativity coach. Das ist ein Klassiker: a practical guide to the many issues that can come up when someone has a life in the arts. It has suggestions for how to deal with envy, mental illness, isolation, etc. There's quotes throughout from artists of all types too.
The Association for Electronic Music is putting a sharp focus on mental health in a new guide that offers resources to musicians struggling with depression, stress, and substance abuse.
This book is a collection of counselling session transcripts with musicians and music industry professionals, interviews and vignettes with well known music industry professionals and their struggles.
Mental health ans stress behind the scenes of the live music, festival ans event industry.
Together with their inspiring interview partners, business insider Holger Jan Schmidt and psychologist Prof. Dr. Katja Ehrenberg turn the spotlights on the people behind the stages. This book is an in-depth feature of personal insights on stress and mental health in an industry that never sleeps, enriched by background information on the issue as well as suggestions for prevention and intervention. It also reports on the unprecedented challenges during the pandemic for what is usually a very lively scene which suddenly had to pause for an uncertain time. “stay SOUND & CHECK yourself” is intended to help ensure a better understanding and the appropriate attention to a topic that has a decisive influence on the success and creativity of the entire industry.
Are you interested in learning how to cultivate sustainable success in the popular music industry whilst prioritising your health? If so, this book is for you. Inside you'll find research-informed advice and information that aims to help musicians, as well as those that work with them, navigate their way through what can be a challenging and demanding industry.
Raketerei #67 Mental Health in Music
mit Imke Machura; zu Gast: Anne Löhr und Franziska Koletzki-Lauter
In dieser Podcastfolge zeichnen Anne und Franziska eine Karriere in der Musikbranche nach und machen deutlich, dass eine solche mehr mit einem Marathon als mit einem Sprint zu vergleichen ist.
Ungefähr jede dritte Künstlerin und jeder dritte Künstler leidet an einer Angststörung oder an einer Depression (zum Vergleich: Normalerweise erkrankt einer von fünf Menschen) – als Folge von dauerhaftem Druck, Stress, einer beständigen, finanziellen Belastung und den damit einhergehenden unsicheren Lebensumständen. Eine Situation, die sich durch die weltweite Corona-Pandemie noch verschärft hat, da der gesamte Live-Sektor, also eine der Haupteinnahmequellen für Musikerinnen und Musiker, zusammengebrochen ist. Dennoch sehen Anne Löhr und Franziska Lauter auch etwas Positives in der aktuellen Situation.
Mental Mall
von und mit Mia Morgan, Search Yiu & DIFFUS
Ab jetzt wird sich großzügig selbst belohnt, beim Shopping Spree unserer Träume im Mental Mall Podcast von und mit den MusikerInnen Mia Morgan und Search Yiu. Im Podcast erleben wir bunte Ausflüge in die gedankliche Einkaufspassage: Manche Läden bieten uns locker-leichte Erfahrungen, manch andere widmen sich ganz persönlichen Themen und der mentalen Gesundheit. Alle zwei Wochen eine neue Folge.
Danke, gut. Der Podcast über Pop und Psyche
mit Miriam Davoudvandi
Über fünf Millionen Menschen in Deutschland leiden unter Depressionen. Beinahe Jede*r kommt in seinem Leben selbst, im eigenen Umfeld oder durch Popkultur damit in Kontakt. Trotzdem wird wenig über Depression und psychische Gesundheit gesprochen. In "Danke, gut – der Podcast über Pop und Psyche" trifft Miriam Davoudvandi Personen des öffentlichen Lebens, um das zu ändern.
Was macht die Psyche...?
mit Helen Fares in Kooperation mit Prof. Dr. Stephan Buchhester
In meinem neuen Format „Was macht die Psyche...?“ möchte ich mit Euch über die Phänomene unserer Psyche sprechen. Ob Erkrankungen, gesellschaftliche Ereignisse oder Wesenszustände - alles ist psychisch beleuchtbar und erklärbar.
mit Text für gehörlose Menschen, oder Menschen mit Hörschäden
Kopfsalat - der Freunde fürs Leben Podcast
mit Sonja Koppitz und Sara Steinert, Freunde fürs Leben, BARMER
Sonja Koppitz und Sara Steinert sind selbst betroffen und sprechen in monatlich erscheinenden Folgen mit Prominenten und Expert*innen. Frauen oder Männer – Wer leidet mehr und warum überhaupt? Wer hilft wann und wie? Schafft mich die Depression oder ich sie? Diese Fragen gehen jeden an – denn Depressionen kann jeder bekommen, der eine Psyche hat. Also jeder von uns.
Jung und Freudlos
Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie der Universitätsklinik Freiburg, Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg
Unser Team besteht aus Ärztinnen und Ärzten, Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern und Medizinstudierenden. Sebastian und Ismene, Assistenzarzt und Assistenzärztin und auf dem Weg zum Facharzt für Psychiatrie, beantworten alle 14 Tage die von Moritz, einem Medizinstudenten, gestellten Fragen zu psychischen Krankheitsbildern und psychiatriebezogenen Themen. Zusätzlich sind immer wieder Experten zu Gast und werden zu ihren Spezialgebieten interviewt.
mit Dr. Jan Dreher und Dr. Alexander Kugelstadt
Zwei Mediziner unterhalten sich über die Psyche. Edutainment für Ohr und Seele - zwischen Hemdsärmeligkeit und wissenschaftlicher Akkuratesse.